scott walker 2016 presidential campaign ne demek?

Scott Walker, Republic Party's Governor of Wisconsin, announced his intention to seek the 2016 Presidential nomination. He launched his candidacy on July 13, 2015, with a message of limited government, conservative values, and pro-business policies. He aimed to appeal to the Republican base by portraying himself as a resolute leader who had fought tough battles with labor unions, implemented voter ID laws, cut state taxes, and supported pro-life and pro-gun rights.

During his campaign, Walker highlighted his accomplishments as governor, promising to reform entitlement programs, repeal Obamacare, and protect America from the threats of Islamic terrorism. He also emphasized the need to secure the nation's borders, reduce the size of the federal government, and promote job creation through deregulation and tax cuts.

However, despite his early front-runner status, Walker struggled to gain traction in the polls and faced criticism for flip-flopping on immigration and not having a clear foreign policy vision. He dropped out of the race on September 21, 2015, acknowledging that his message was not resonating with the voters and he wanted to avoid being a "hindrance" to the conservative movement.